Policy Number Index
Article 1 - School District Organization
- 1100 - Board Legal Status: Powers And Duties
- 1110 - Board Members: Eligibility and Qualifications
- 1120 - Board Members: Organization
- 1121 - Board Members: Compensation and Expenses
- 1122 - Board Evaluation
- 1130 - Board Meetings
- 1135 - Board Policy Process
- 1140 - Superintendent
- 1150 - Business Administrator
- 1151 - District Annual Reports
- 1160 - Legal Counsel
- 1170 - Weber School District Strategic Plan
Article 2 - Support Services
- 2110 - Safety - School Resource Officer
- 2120 - Emergency Preparedness
- 2130 - Facility Expansion Program Goals and Objectives
- 2131 - Site Acquisition
- 2132 - Construction Bids
- 2133 - Conducting Bond Elections
- 2200 - Buildings and Grounds Management
- 2210 - Maintenance Program
- 2220 - Policy on Vandalism and Violence
- 2230 - Emergency Closings
- 2240 - Rules Governing Use of Facilities
- 2241 - Building Rental Agreement and Charges
- 2243 - Communication Tower Policy
- 2250 - Key Security Procedures and Facility Security
- 2260 - Marquees
- 2300 - Student Transportation Management
- 2310 - Student Transportation Safety
- 2320 - Unauthorized Bus Stops, Alternate Bus Stop Requests, Eligibility
- 2330 - Scheduling, Routing and Parking of School Buses
- 2340 - Bus Transportation, Bus Stops, Routes, and Distance Regulations
- 2350 - Student Conduct
- 2360 - Special Education Transportation Policy
- 2400 - Food Services Management
- 2410 - Meal Pattern Exceptions
- 2420 - Prices of Lunches
- 2430 - Free and Reduced Meals Food Service
Article 3 - Fiscal Management
- 3110 - Preparation of the Budget Document
- 3111 - Tentative Budget
- 3120 - Budget Adoption Calendar
- 3121 - Amendment of the Budget
- 3130 - Investment Policy
- 3200 - Accounting System
- 3220 - The Conduct of an Independent Financial Audit
- 3240 - Disposal of School Property
- 3250 - Donations and Gifts
- 3260 - District Business Travel and Expense Reimbursement
- 3300 - Purchasing
- 3310 - Bidding Requirements and Purchase Limits
- 3320 - Paying for Goods and Services
- 3340 - Policy on Accounts Payable
- 3350 - Service Calls and Demonstrations
- 3360 - District Real Estate Representative
Article 4 - Students
- 4121 - Sexual Harassment Under Title IX
- 4145 - School Entrance Requirements - Birth Certificates and Immunizations
- 4150 - School Attendance Areas
- 4151 - School Attendance Boundaries
- 4160 - Residency and Enrollment
- 4170 - Attendance Policy
- 4175 - Home and Hospital
- 4190 - Concussions and Traumatic Head Injuries
- 4192 - Communicable Disease - Students
- 4193 - Medication Policy
- 4194 - Reporting Abuse and Neglect of Minors
- 4199 - Special Education Policy Statement
- 4200 - School Fee & Fee Waiver Policy
- 4300 - Retention and Placement in Specialized Class or Program
- 4310 - Grading and Parent Notification
- 4330 - Release of Students During School Hours
- 4370 - Graduation Requirements
- 4400 - Student Records
- 4405 - Dissemination of Information About Juvenile Offenders
- 4430 - Student Testing Prohibition Without Prior Written Consent
- 4500 - Extracurricular Activities
- 4510 - Off-Campus Physical Education and Athletic Competition Activities
- 4520 - Parties and Dances
- 4540 - Student Organizations
- 4550 - Student Meetings
- 4570 - Student Body Activity Funds
- 4571 - Fundraising
- 4600 - Student Overnight Travel Policy
- 4700 - Plan for College and Career Readiness
- 4750 - Homeless Students
- 4800 - Work-Based Learning Policy
- Weber School District Boundary Adjustment Guidelines and Procedures
Article 5 - Student Conduct
Article 6 - General Public Relations
- 6100 - Public Information
- 6150 - Media and Public Relations Policy
- 6200 - Use of Students in Information Program
- 6300 - Community Activities and Performances by Students
- 6400 - Visitors to the Schools
- 6450 - Memorial Policy
- 6500 - Parent Involvement
- 6700 - Reunification of Parents and Students Following an Emergency
- 6800 - Utah Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA)
- 6900 - Interpretation and Translation Services
Article 7 - Personnel
- 7100 - Harassment and Discrimination
- 7110 - Employment Background Checks
- 7120 - Code of Conduct between Employees and Students
- 7130 - Employee Career Status
- 7131 - Educator Evaluation
- 7135 - LEA Specific Teacher Licensing
- 7140 - Intern Policy
- 7145 - District Personnel Electronic Device Policy
- 7200 - Communicable Disease - Employees
- 7300 - Alcohol and Drug Abuse - Employees
- 7350 - Weapons on School Property
- 7400 - Admission of Tax Sheltered Annuity Companies
- 7500 - Professional Interactions with Students
- 7600 - Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens (HIV) and (HBV)
- 7610 - Handling of Body Fluids in Schools
- 7700 - Family and Medical Leave Act
- 7800 - Purchase of Retirement Credit
- 7900 - Suspension or Termination of District Employees and Corrective Action
Article 8 - Miscellaneous
- 8100 - Copyright
- 8200 - Libraries and Sensitive Materials
- 8300 - Weber School District - Internet Safety Policy
- 8310 - Appropriate Use Policy for Employees
- 8311 - Appropriate Use Policy for Computers and Network Resources
- 8320 - Student Appropriate Use Policy
- 8340 - Employee Social Media Policy
- 8350 - Student Electronic Device Policy
- 8400 - Audio and Visual Media Usage
- 8450 - Video Security on School Grounds or Property
- 8500 - Wellness Policy
- 8600 - Use of District Vehicles for Non-School Sponsored Events Policy
- 8700 - Administrative Procedures For Service Animals in Schools
- 8800 - Selection of Learning Materials
- Contract for Vending Machines