6400 - Visitors To The Schools
Weber School District believes schools are education and enrichment centers for the community; therefore, parents, guardians, community members, and others are encouraged to visit schools, participate in activities, and attend school events. While schools are open and welcoming to visitors, particularly parents, schools and their facilities must be kept safe and free from intrusion or disruption. - POLICY
School buildings and school facilities are the property of Weber School District. Anyone entering a school building during regular school hours without permission may be considered criminal trespassing. Those individuals not required to register at the school are students of the school, District employees, School Board Members, persons with written permission from the school administration, and persons attending a school-scheduled activity during the school day other than an individual class or classroom activity. All other individuals must register at the school office upon entering the facility. - DEFINITIONS
- “Criminal Trespass” means a person is guilty of criminal trespass if he/she does the following:
- enters or remains unlawfully on school property, and:
- intends to cause annoyance or injury to a person or damage to property on the school property;
- intends to commit a crime; or
- is reckless as to whether the person's presence will cause fear for the safety of another; or
- enters or remains without authorization upon school property if notice against entry or remaining has been given by:
- personal communication to the person by a school official or an individual with apparent authority to act for a school official;
- the posting of signs reasonably likely to come to the attention of trespassers;
- fencing or other enclosure obviously designed to exclude trespassers; or
- a current order of suspension or expulsion.
- enters or remains unlawfully on school property, and:
- “School Official” means a school administrator or designee in charge of a school program or activity.
- “School Property” means real property owned or occupied by a public school, including real property temporarily occupied for a school activity or program.
- “Visitor” means any person who is not an employee or employed by the District,with the exception of itinerant employees, volunteers, or students of that school.
- “Criminal Trespass” means a person is guilty of criminal trespass if he/she does the following:
- All visitors must report to the school's main office and receive permission to be on the school grounds.
- The school may require visitors to wear appropriate identification and to also check out through the office when they leave.
- Visitors/parents desiring to conference with teachers are encouraged to call and make an appointment before or after school or during non-instructional time.
- Visitor access may be limited on certain days and times during the school day or year.
- No visitor shall be permitted to interrupt a staff member in the performance of his/her duties whether that interruption is for conversation or observation.
- No visitor shall go directly to a classroom to deliver or "pick up" students or speak to students or teachers. All check in and check outs will be conducted through the main office.
- Visitor access to the classroom is at the discretion of the classroom teacher and approval of the building administrator.
- Any person on school property who is not registered with the school office is illegally on school property and is to be asked for identification or to leave the school grounds. If the visitor refuses to leave the school grounds or creates any disturbance, the school administrator has the authority to request aid from the law enforcement agency.
- Parents and guardians do not have the right to attend school with their children or access school premises, including school buses, without specific authorization from school officials.
- Both custodial and non-custodial parents of a student have rights to visit a child's school unless a court order exists restricting such contact and a copy of the court order has been provided to the school. Parents/guardians involved in these situations are encouraged to settle their disputes outside of school rather than bringing them into the school setting. Under Utah State Law, visitation time (parent time) should not interrupt the child's regular school hours. This applies to both physical contact and phone time.
- In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), parents of students with disabilities are entitled to the same access as general education parents, as well as the opportunity to participate in meetings with respect to the identification, evaluation, and educational placement of the child and the provision of free and appropriate education. Beyond this parent participation, parents of students with disabilities have no additional entitlement to access school premises.
- School officials are vested with the authority and have the right and obligation to utilize every effort in the protection of personnel, students, spectators, and property. A school official has the authority to exclude from school premises any person who disrupts or who appears likely to become a disruption to the educational program or activity. Individuals who do not comply with the school official's requests and commands may be cited for criminal trespassing. School officials may secure assistance from appropriate law enforcement agencies as needed in the enforcement of this Policy.
- Student visitors (friends) will not be allowed to attend classes with enrolled students.
- Students from other Weber School District schools are not permitted to be at any other Weber School District school they are not enrolled in during school hours without permission.
- No student who is under suspension, expulsion, or other form of discipline from this District, or any other school district, shall be permitted to visit a District school.
- Pursuant to State law, parents and legal guardians may visit classes to observe their student(s) on a limited basis. Parents and legal guardians should recognize that frequent observations will detract from classroom instruction, and the school must consider the privacy rights of the other students in the class. Therefore, observations shall only be allowed by appointment, must be approved by a school official and preferably with the accompaniment of an administrator or assigned school employee. Visits to the classroom may be limited to one lesson or one class period.
- Outside visitors/observers will follow 6550 Volunteer Policy.
Revised and approved: 03/05/2025