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4700 - Plan for College and Career Readiness

References:Utah Code 53E-2-304, R277-462

    Weber School District desires to see all of its students successfully graduate from high school and pursue fulfilling careers. Weber School District believes students are most likely to succeed if the path to graduation and careers is planned early in a student’s educational experience. This policy is intended to help students create goals and plan for success towards graduation and after high school.
    In accordance with state law and Utah State Board of Education (USBE) rules, Weber School District requires meetings between students, parents, and school personnel from elementary school through high school to facilitate a personal plan to graduate from high school and pursue a desired career path.  
    1. Parent Teacher Conferences:
      partnership meetings involving the student, the student’s parent or guardian, and school personnel for the purpose of discussing the student’s academic progress and goals.
    2. Plan for College and Career Readiness:
      a four-year plan towards graduating and preparing for college and/or a career, to which a student’s course registration and class schedule throughout high school, should conform.
    3. Plan for College and Career Readiness Conference (PCCRC):
      partnership meeting involving the student, the student’s parent or guardian and a school counselor, if an individual conference, and a group of students and a school counselor, if a group conference, for the purpose of discussing the student’s plans to graduate and prepare for college and/or a career.
    1. Students in grades K-6 will have a minimum of two annual Parent Teacher Conferences.
    2. School personnel will provide time in the Parent Teacher Conference to learn and/or share information about the student’s interests, learning styles, strengths, accomplishments, needs and student growth.
    3. The Parent Teacher Conference will also provide an opportunity for celebration of the child’s progress and goal setting for the future. Parent Teacher Conferences may also include components consistent with each school’s improvement plan.
    1. Secondary school students, the student’s parent or guardian and school counselor will collaboratively develop the student’s Plan for College and Career Readiness.
    2. The Plan for College and Career Readiness will be maintained by the counseling department in each school and will follow a student as the student progresses through each grade, or, when applicable, to a new school district if the student moves. 
    3. A Plan for College and Career Readiness Conference will be the primary means of planning, monitoring, and managing the student’s education plan and career development opportunities, and will have components that recognize the individual student’s accomplishments, strengths, mapped out strategies to guide student core selections, and progress towards meeting graduation requirements and end of level testing, including grade level objectives, assessments, counselor advisement and goal setting. 
    4. Junior High School
      1. Each student in junior high school will have one annual individual PCCRC in grade 8 where the student, the student’s parents or legal guardians meet with the school counselor to prepare a plan towards graduation and preparation for college and/or a career.
      2. A small group (classroom size or smaller) PCCRC will be held in grades 7 and 9. Parent/guardian involvement for group conferences is optional, but encouraged. 
      3. Schools within a cone feeder system are not limited in assisting each other with the facilitation of small group conferences.
    5. High School
      1. Each student in high school will have one annual individual PCCRC in grade 10, and another individual PCCRC in either grade 11 or in grade 12, at the discretion of the school.
      2. At least one small group (classroom size or smaller) PCCRC will be held in either grade 11 or in grade 12, at the discretion of the school. Parent/guardian involvement for group conferences is option, but encouraged.  

Approved by the Board 04/08/2020

College and Career Readiness

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