3120 - Budget Adoption Calendar
If the proposed District budget exceeds the certified tax rate, the following dates must be met:
- By March 1
- Notify the county commission of the date, time and place of its tax rate hearing and budget hearing.
- On or before June 15
- Adopt a tentative budget for the forthcoming year (59-5-6(3)) and adopt a proposed tax rate. (59-9-7)
- Notify the county auditor of the tax rate, including the proposal to exceed the certified tax rate. (59-5-6(3))
- Two weeks prior to
- Advertise the intent to set the Budget Adoption budget and also the intent to (7/1-8/1)exceeds the certified tax rate. 59-9-14) The advertisement will show the date, time, and place of the tax rate hearing and of the budget hearing. (The hearings may be held jointly.) (59-9-15(1))
- At least 10 days
- Hold a public hearing on the later (7/10-8/10) proposed tax rate, then pass a motion to levy the rate. (59-9-15(3)
- Hold a public hearing on its budget for the forthcoming year, then adopt the budget.
- Before August 10
- Forward the tax rate resolution to the county auditor. (59-9-10)
- By August 15
- Submit the Uniform Budget Report (Form F-16) to the Utah State Office of Education.
If the District does not exceed the certified tax rate:
- By March 1
- Notify the county commission of the date, time, and place of its (7/10-8/10) tax rate hearing and budget hearing. (59-9-15(5))
- On or before June 1
- Determine that it will not exceed the certified tax rate, notify the county auditor, cancel the previously scheduled hearing, and schedule a June hearing.
- Before June 1
- Superintendent shall submit a tentative budget to the Board of Education. (53-20-1(2))
- Before June 15
- Hold a meeting in which the Board shall adopt the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. (53-20-2(1))
- By July 15
- Submit the Uniform Budget Report (Form F-16) to the Utah State Office of Education.