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Article 7 - Personnel

Article 7 - Personnel

7140 - Professional Internship and Field Placement

PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYIt is the intent of Weber School District to promote and support student educational experiences within its facilities. Weber School District is committed to working with our academic instructional partners to optimize the educational experiences of students in higher education who are training to become professional educators or related service providers pursuing careers in an educational setting.  POLICYDue to issues of liability, confidentiality, compliance, educational environment, all WSD employees, administrators, participating schools, faculty,...

Intern Policy

Read more …7140 - Professional Internship and Field Placement

7900 - Employee Corrective Action and Termination

PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYWeber School District values its employees and also expects value from its employees. The District holds its employees to high standards of excellence while ensuring employees receive treatment in the face of allegations of misconduct or poor performance. The purpose of this policy is to define the status of our employees and put into policy the statutory process for addressing misconduct and poor performance, up to and including the process of termination. This policy is to be read in conjunction with applicable negotiated agreements. POLICYIt is the policy of...

Corrective Action, Suspension, Termination

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7100 - Employee Harassment and Discrimination

PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYThe purpose of this policy is to provide a safe work environment that is free from harassment and discrimination for all employees within Weber School District (District).  The District seeks to ensure its employees are free from discrimination and harassment and that they feel safe in their workspace. This policy is intended to address instances of discrimination and harassment in the District, per state and federal laws, listed here: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) provides that “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of...

Discrimination and Harassment Policy

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7145 - District Personnel Electronic Device Policy

 PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYWeber School District, hereinafter referred to as “District” and “WSD”, promotes an environment conducive to teaching and learning.  The District recognizes that electronic devices are valuable tools for instruction and communication.  Additionally, the District recognizes that electronic devices may become sources of disruption and may pose safety and privacy issues. PROCEDURE In order to maintain an effective learning environment, and to promote safety and security, the District adopts this Policy governing District personnel’s use of electronic...

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7800 - Purchase of Retirement Credit

PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYIt is the current policy of the Weber School District Board of Education to provide assistance to employees who wish to apply for early retirement benefits by purchasing service credit through Utah Public Employees Non-Contributory Retirement System as provided under Section 49-13-408 of the Utah Code Annotated (the State’s Credit Program). POLICY This policy shall be implemented according to the following program: To be eligible to participate, the employee must have a minimum of 10 years of service with Weber School District and be eligible to participate in the...

Purchase of Retirement Credit, Retirement Credit

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7700 - Family and Medical Leave Act

Weber School District will provide family and medical leave for all qualified employees. Definitions:Subject to the conditions under Implementation Procedures/Guidelines, any employee who has been employed by the Board for 12 months and who has worked at least 31 weeks (1,250 hours) in the year preceding the request for leave may take up to 12 weeks unpaid leave, in a 12-month period (a) for the birth of a child and to care for such child; (b) for the placement of a child for adoption or foster care: (c) to care for the employee's seriously ill spouse, son, daughter or parent; or (d)...

Medical Leave Act

Read more …7700 - Family and Medical Leave Act

7600 - Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens (HIV) and (HBV)

References: Department of Labor Standards Title 29 CFR Part 1910.1030 The interest and policy of the Board of Education is to prevent hazards to the health and well-being of district employees. To that end and in compliance with Department of Labor standards as outlined in Title 29 CFR Part 1910.1030, the Board establishes the following as its official policy. Definition: Bloodborne Pathogens means pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans. These pathogens include but are not limited to Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Human Immunodeficiency...

Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens, Bloodborne Pathogens

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7500 - Professional Interactions with Students

References:Utah Code 34A-5-102 PurposeWeber School District’s policy is to provide a work and school environment in which District employees interact professionally at all times with students. Discrimination and harassment towards students on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, childbirth or pregnancy related conditions, and disability is strictly prohibited. To the extent these terms are defined in Utah Code 34A-5-102, the district relies on those definitions for the purpose of this Policy. Employee-to-student sexual conduct...

Professional Interactions with Students

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7400 - Admission of Tax Sheltered Annuity Companies

Before a company dealing in tax sheltered annuities can be approved to solicit employees of Weber School District to enroll in the company's tax sheltered annuity plans, they must file with the Business Administrator an affidavit, signed by an officer of the company, assuring the District that the company's plan complies with all applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and that the company's plan will be updated when necessary to comply with any changes that may be made to the Internal Revenue Code in the future. After the Business Administrator has received the affidavit, the...


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7350 - Weapons on School Property

References: UCA §53-5-704(1)UCA §76-10-501 (2)(a).UCA §76-10-505.5UCA §76-10-505.5(4)(b) Purpose of Policy The purpose of this policy is to define the use of, and the ability to carry, dangerous weapons and firearms on school premises and other district buildings or property. This policy applies to all individuals including but not limited to employees, students, parents/guardians, volunteers, and visitors, who are on or around school premises and other district buildings and property. School District Property Defined School District Property is defined as all property including...

Weapons on School Propery

Read more …7350 - Weapons on School Property

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