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5210 - Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy

  Self Referral 1.1 The district will pay for an assessment and recommendations at Weber Human Services. The parent/guardian may obtain an assessment and recommendations at another substance abuse treatment center at their own expense. 1.2 Parent/guardian and the student will sign a release of information form so that appropriate school officials may receive a copy of the assessment recommendations. 1.3 If appropriate, based on the recommendations, the parent and student will sign a drug and alcohol non-use contract. 1.4 If the parent and student agree to follow the assessment...


PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYWeber School District is committed to an alcohol and drug-free workplace. The Weber School District Board of Education recognizes that the use, possession, distribution, or sale of narcotics, or other dangerous drugs and drug paraphernalia constitutes a hazard to employees and students and is illegal according to Federal and State law. Also, the use of alcohol or tobacco in any form on school property, in school buildings or vehicles, or at school-sponsored activities is contrary to the District’s education mission. The Board also recognizes that alcoholism and drug...

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