Article 7 - Personnel
Article 7 - Personnel
The following policies shall apply to interns hired in the Weber School District:
Each intern hired shall be assigned a district mentor. The district mentor will visit an intern once a week to provide support, feedback, and resources. If the intern ishired, the district will provide the new teacher continued service for the next threeyears.
The maximum number of interns that may be supported by a district mentor shall be two.
Approved by the Board 01/07/2015
7135 - LEA Specific Teacher Licensing
PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYThe purpose of this policy is to identify Weber School District’s LEA Specific Licensing/Endorsement Requirements pursuant to the conditions outlined by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE).
POLICY Weber School District’s policy is to create a LEA specific license and/or endorsement, allowing those applicants to work as a licensed educator in Weber School District, pursuant to the procedures outlined below.
Associate Licensing Plan: A plan jointly developed by the District and Applicant outlining the requirements and steps to...
7131 - Educator Evaluation
Utah State Code §53A-8a-403Utah Administrative Rule R277-533
The Weber School District Board of Education recognizes that educator effectiveness is one of the most important factors in improving student achievement. The primary purpose of evaluation is to support students and improve instruction in every classroom. Improved evaluation systems will benefit students by driving systematic improvement and growth and will foster development of professional capacity.
The instructional performance of all licensed employees in the Weber School...
7120 - Code of Conduct between Employees and Students
PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYEducators, and all those who work with students in Weber School District, are valued professionals, and are considered role models for those they serve. The relationships between staff and students are paramount in ensuring success for students, and maintaining an appropriate relationship is key to this success. Weber School District is committed to establishing and maintaining appropriate standards of conduct between staff members and students. These standards of conduct are also known as professional boundaries. Staff members shall maintain...
Employees, Students, Code of Conduct
Read more …7120 - Code of Conduct between Employees and Students
7110 - Employment Background Checks
PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYWeber School District is committed to providing a safe and secure educational and working environment for students and employees. As part of this effort, Weber School District requires criminal background checks of licensed and non-licensed employees pursuant to Utah state laws, rules, and regulations, and in accordance with this policy.
POLICYThis policy outlines the appropriate procedures for background checks and reporting of arrests and convictions as they pertain to licensed and non-licensed employees.
“Licensed Educators” or “Licensed Employees”...
7100 - Harassment and Discrimination
Title VIIEqual Pay ActADEATitle V of ADAGINACivil Rights Act of 1991Utah Code, 34A-5-106
The District prohibits employees from discrimination and harassment based on race; color, religion, national origin, sex; gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, childbirth or pregnancy-related conditions, age, or disability. The District also prohibits discrimination based on genetic information. To the extent these terms are defined in Utah Code 34A-5-102, the district relies on those definitions for the purposes of this Policy.
Prohibited Discrimination...
7340 - Employee Social Media Policy
PHILOSOPHYWeber School District Board of Education recognizes the District’s need to communicate with students, parents, and the community at large. Communication continues to evolve and currently consists mostly of technological means. Social media (websites/applications focused on communication) has become the primary source for interaction, collaboration, content-sharing, and community-based input. The District understands that social media facilitates necessary communication, but may also pose potential hazards and privacy violation concerns when used inadequately.
POLICYThe purpose...
7150 - Reporting Abuse and Neglect of Minors
PHILOSOPHYWeber School District (District) is committed to the well-being of its students and supports efforts by District personnel to take early protective measures towards allegations of child abuse and/or neglect.
POLICYThis policy informs District personnel of their training requirements and their responsibilities and procedures for reporting suspected child abuse and/or neglect.
“Child Abuse” means inflicting upon a child physical injury; or having the care or custody of such child, causes or permits another to inflict physical injury upon a child.