Article 1 - School District Organization
Article 1 - School District Organization
PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYWeber School District (hereinafter referred to as WSD and/or District) believes that its primary responsibility is the development of education policy. Policies should define the desire and intent of the Weber School District Board (hereinafter referred to as Board), as it relates to their students, and should be in a form which is sufficiently explicit to guide administrative action. It is the purpose of this Policy to establish the process by which District Policy shall be managed, reviewed, proposed, and adopted.
POLICY To ensure that policies are...
1110 - Board Members: Eligibility and Qualifications
PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYWeber School District (WSD) is committed to providing educational experiences which motivate each student to become a lifelong learner, attain academic and personal potential, and enter the workforce with the necessary skills. The District fulfills this commitment by having a collaborative relationship between Weber School District Board members, the Superintendent, teachers, administrators, parents, and the community. The WSD Board of Education is composed of elected or appointed public officials who manage various functions of the public schools within the...
Board Eligibility, Board Qualifications, School Board
Read more …1110 - Board Members: Eligibility and Qualifications
1160 - Legal Counsel
Attorney General Opinions
Upon request by the state superintendent, the attorney general shall issue written opinions on questions of law.
Utah Code 53A-1-303
District Legal Counsel
The Board may appoint an attorney to give legal counsel and represent the Board and School District as needed. Additional attorneys may be appointed to represent the district in specialized areas.
Appointment of an attorney shall be made as follows:
After reviewing written Request for Proposals to render legal services, the Board will interview the...
1130 - Board Meetings
PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYWeber School District Board of Education recognizes that it is a public body as defined in Utah law. As such, the Board has a responsibility to conduct its official business in an open and transparent manner. All meetings of the Board will be open to the public and will comply with Utah’s Open and Public Meetings Act (“OPMA”), unless properly closed in accordance with Utah law and this policy. The Board values public input and adopts this policy to encourage students, parents, and community members to share that input in an orderly fashion.
POLICYIt is the policy of...
1122 - Board Evaluation
In January of each year, the Weber School Board will meet to define yearly goals, re-evaluate its mission statement and implement new goals and changes.
The Board will complete a self-evaluation in January every other year on non-election years (beginning in 1995). The evaluation will be completed by the Board Members.
Optional – input from staff and community can be randomly selected for total evaluation of the Board.
Approved by the Board 05/17/1995
1121 - Board Members: Compensation and Expenses
Each member of the board, except the student member, shall receive $3,000 per year as compensation for services. Members shall also receive compensation for necessary expenses on the same basis as members of the State Board of Education.
Utah Code 53A-3-202(1)
Each member will receive an additional per diem for attendance at meetings and activities related to any business of the board, not to exceed 12 per year. Board members shall also be compensated for necessary expenses incurred by them on behalf of the School District in the discharge of their duties...
1120 - Board Members: Organization
Election of Officers
At the first board meeting in January following the November board election, the Board shall elect a president and a vice president whose terms of office are for two years and until their successors are elected. An officer may be removed from office for cause by a vote of two-thirds of the Board.
Utah Code 53A-3-201
Duties of the President
The President presides at all meetings of the Board, appoints all committees, and signs all warrants ordered by the Board. If the President is absent or disabled, these duties are performed by the Vice President. If both...
1100 - Board Legal Status: Powers And Duties
Legal Status
Political Subdivision of the State of Utah.
The Weber School District is a political subdivision of the State of Utah and entitled to the full extent of sovereign immunity of the State.
Utah Constitution, Article XI, Section 8
Martinez v. Board of Education of Emery County School District, 724 F. Supp. 857 (D. Utah 1989)
Body Corporate
The Board of Education is a body corporate under the name of the Board of Education of Weber School District and has an official seal used in the authentication of all required matters. The Board may sue and be sued, and may take,...