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Article 4 - Students

Article 4 - Students

4199 - Special Education Policy Statement

Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, (IDEIA) 20 U.S.C. §1400 (2004); 34 CFR, Part 300 Utah State Board of Education Special Education Rules (2023) Utah Code 53 E, Chapter 7 PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYThe primary purposes of this local education agency (LEA) policies and procedures manual are: To ensure that all students with disabilities ages 3 through 21 in Weber School District have available to them a free appropriate public education (FAPE) that emphasizes special education and related services, as specified on an Individualized Education Program (IEP)...

Special Education, Special Education Policy

Read more …4199 - Special Education Policy Statement

4193 - Medication and Medical Emergency Policy

PHILOSOPHYWeber School District (District) seeks to ensure all students are safe at school.  It is the intent of Weber School District that all students who need medication at school are able to receive such medication, and that the administration of medication to students complies with state and federal laws. The policy also informs staff how to act in case of a medical emergency and ensures immunity from liability for authorized personnel. POLICYIt is Weber School District’s policy to allow medication to be administered at school under certain conditions. Personnel and students...

Medication Policy

Read more …4193 - Medication and Medical Emergency Policy

4170 - Attendance Policy

PHILOSOPHY AND PURPOSEIt is the philosophy of Weber School District that achievement in school and in the future is directly linked to school attendance. Students who are present during the instructional portion of the school day are both more likely to succeed in school and more likely to succeed outside of school. The purpose of this Policy is to set expectations for attendance in Weber District’s schools and to encourage restorative practices where applicable as the means to ensure student attendance. POLICYStudents should realize the importance of education for a quality life for...

Attendance Policy

Read more …4170 - Attendance Policy

4160 - Residency and Enrollment

PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYIt is the desire of Weber School District (WSD) to ensure all students living within its boundaries receive educational services. WSD is committed to providing quality educational services to its students and will not deny any students living in its boundaries an opportunity to enroll in school. It is also the desire of WSD to provide quality educational services to students who live outside the District’s boundaries under certain circumstances. This Policy sets forth the requirements and procedures for establishing residency in WSD and for enrollment in WSD...

Boundary Adjustment, Enrollment, Residency

Read more …4160 - Residency and Enrollment

Weber School District Boundary Adjustment Guidelines and Procedures

Boundary Adjustment Levels Boundary adjustments may be accomplished on three different levels: Level I. School Boundary AdjustmentThere are no students involved in the adjustment areas. InvolvesPrincipal, Community Council/Parent Teacher Representatives, Secondary and/or Elementary Executive Director and Transportation Director, Local Board member(s) are notified of the change.  ApprovalThe superintendent gives the approval and the board of education is informed. Level II. School Boundary AdjustmentA minimal number of students are involved. A request is directed through the...

Boundary Adjustment

Read more …Weber School District Boundary Adjustment Guidelines and Procedures

4151 - School Attendance Boundaries

Reference: Weber School District Boundary Adjustment Guidelines and Procedures Attendance boundaries for the various levels of schools are designated to provide for the orderly control of the number of students assigned to a particular school.  School attendance area boundaries shall be reviewed periodically by the administrative staff and recommendations made to the Board of Education. The Board of Education endeavors to have an equitable education program in all grade levels.  Students are expected to attend the school in their attendance area boundary unless they are...

School Attendance Boundaries

Read more …4151 - School Attendance Boundaries

4150 - School Attendance Areas

PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHY It is the desire of Weber School District (WSD) to ensure all students living within its boundaries receive educational services. WSD is committed to providing quality educational services to its students and will not deny any students living within its boundaries an opportunity to enroll in school. POLICY Weber School District is responsible for providing educational services for each student who resides in the District’s boundaries and to the extent reasonably feasible and in accordance with the requirements of this Policy and statutory student residency...

School Boundaries

Read more …4150 - School Attendance Areas

4145 - School Entrance Requirements - Birth Certificates and Immunizations

PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYWeber School District (District) prioritizes access to public education in accordance with Utah Codes §53G-6-302 and §53G-4-402. To ensure the safety of all students enrolled in Weber School District, it is necessary to require certain legal documentation regarding the student’s age and identity, the identity of a parent or legal guardian, and appropriate immunizations. The District recognizes that in some instances, a parent or legal guardian may not be able to produce required documentation due to immigration or refugee status. The purpose of this policy is to...

Enrollment, Birth Certificates

Read more …4145 - School Entrance Requirements - Birth Certificates and Immunizations

4121 - Sexual Harassment Under Title IX

PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYIt is the intent of Weber School District to ensure a safe learning environment, free from discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex in compliance with Title IX, 20 U.S.C. §1681 and 34 C.F.R. Part 106. Weber School District will not tolerate any form of sexual harassment and will address all allegations of sexual harassment with a complete and thorough investigation, ensuring due process for the respondent and the complainant alike.  POLICYSexual harassment is prohibited in Weber School District, at all Weber School District campuses and at all Weber...

Sexual Harassment, Title IX

Read more …4121 - Sexual Harassment Under Title IX

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