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Article 4 - Students

Article 4 - Students

4700 - Plan for College and Career Readiness

PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYWeber School District desires to see all of its students successfully graduate from high school and pursue fulfilling careers. Weber School District believes students are most likely to succeed if the path to graduation and careers is planned early in a student’s educational experience. This policy is intended to help students create goals and plan for success towards graduation and after high school. POLICYIn accordance with state law and Utah State Board of Education (USBE) rules, Weber School District requires meetings between students, parents, and school...

College and Career Readiness

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4571 - Fundraising

PHILOSOPHY AND PURPOSE There are times when fundraising becomes an important source of providing for needs over and above that which can be accommodated by regular district sources. It is also recognized that excessive solicitation can be detrimental to students, parents, and our partners in business. It is important that a careful balance of these considerations be achieved. POLICYThis policy was created to outline the proper guidelines and procedures in fundraising. PROCEDURE Voluntary Participation Participation in any and all fundraising activities should be strictly voluntary. No...


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4570 - Student Body Activity Funds

Student body activity funds (which include fees established by the Board) are to be used to finance a program of extra-curricular activities augmenting the activities provided by the Weber School District. Projects for the raising of funds shall generally contribute to the educational experience of students and shall not detract from the instructional program. The management of student activity funds shall be consistent with sound business practices. Authority is delegated to the Superintendent to require conformance to a system of records and procedures for recording the transactions of...

Activity Funds, Student Body

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4540 - Student Organizations

PHILOSOPHY AND PURPOSE Weber School District (District) supports and encourages students to broaden their knowledge and citizenship by permitting the formation of clubs and groups organized to promote or pursue specialized activities outside the classroom. The District believes the formation of clubs and groups provides a more rich educational experience as well as an opportunity to develop friendships with similar interests and hobbies, also serving to enrich the educational experience. POLICY The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to schools regarding authorization of clubs...

Student Organizations

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4520 - Parties and Dances

Elementary In the elementary schools, class or room parties are permissible during the last hour of the school day on occasions approved by the principal in advance. PARTIES AND DANCES Secondary School parties at the secondary school level are to be after school hours. All such parties should normally be held on the school premises under the supervision of school personnel. In very special cases. the school may hold a social event away from school premises, provided previous approval of plans has been given by the principal and that there are in attendance several faculty members...

Parties, Dances

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4405 - Dissemination of Information About Juvenile Offenders

PHILOSOPHY AND PURPOSEWeber School District prioritizes safety of its students and administrators. Pursuant to Utah law, the District communicates with local law enforcement agencies and the juvenile courts to receive information regarding juvenile offenders who are students in the District, in order to wrap services around the juvenile offender student as well as support any student who may have been a victim involved in the offense. This policy outlines the procedures for receipt and dissemination of juvenile offender information.  POLICYThe Weber School District will strictly...

Juvenile Offenders

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4400 - Student Records

PHILOSOPHY AND PURPOSEWeber School District (District) values the privacy and confidentiality of personally identifiable information in student education records. The District collects, maintains, and uses student information only for educational purposes and to meet the needs of students. State and federal law requires that the District protect the privacy of student data and education records and to ensure parental access. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 12 U.S.C. 1232 g, 34 CFR Part 99, governs access to education records. Title 53E, Chapter 9 of the Utah Code,...

Records, Student Records

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4330 - Release of Students During School Hours

References: Utah Code Ann. 30-3-10.9, Utah Code Ann. 62A-4a-409 PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYWeber School District recognizes its in loco parentis responsibility over students who are at school during the school day, and seeks to ensure that when students are under the care and supervision of school personnel, they will not be released to any but a parent or legal guardian, except under certain circumstances. The purpose of this policy is to outline instances when students will be released during the school day to individuals other than the student’s parents or legal guardians ...

Release of Students, Student Safety

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4300 - Retention and Placement in Specialized Class or Program

PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYThe purpose of this policy is to set forth procedures for responding to a parent to request a  retention of their student in kindergarten through grade eight (K-8), or request a specialized class, program, or advanced course. With regard to retention, the general philosophy of the District is to encourage and assist each student to advance year to year with their cohorts in order to maximize normal social and emotional development. Research which has shown that retention is usually not the optimum solution.  Other options—such as summer school,...

Promotion and Retention

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4200 - School Fee & Fee Waiver Policy

PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHYWeber School District is committed to providing a free public education to all students enrolled in its schools. Many expenses in the operation of schools are beyond the ordinary costs of education; such as, but not limited to, lockers, yearbooks, clubs, travel and tangible products. The purpose of this policy is to establish a system of reasonable fees with notice and transparency to students and parents of the fee schedule, as well as fee waiver options and to outline the process for granting fee waivers. POLICYIt is Weber School District’s policy, with input from...

Fee Waiver, School Fees

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