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Policies By Article

4510 - Off-Campus Physical Education and Athletic Competition Activities

  1. Regular physical educational classes will be restricted to the school campus facilities which will include the Roy City Recreation Complex for all cross country, jogging, walking and bicycling activities. This policy is specific to the use of such public thoroughfares (streets, roads and sidewalks, etc.) for the activities and will not preclude physical education classes from walking to nearby facilities for physical education under the direction and supervision of their teacher. Such off-campus activities may include (but not be limited to) bowling when part of the regular physical education program.
  2. Athletic programs that include off-campus roadwork as part of the preparation and/or conditioning for competition will follow a four-step procedure:
    • 2.1 Route Selection - The training route or routes will be selected with careful consideration for safety. Problem areas will be identified for participant safety instruction. Athletic directors and coaches will be responsible for mapping out these routes with the school administration approval.
    • 2.2 Parent Notification - A Parent Notification and Consent Form will be sent home notifying parents that an off-campus activity will be part of these training procedures. This will include a description of the activity, the inherent risk involved and a map of the selected training routes.
    • 2.3 Parent Consent - The parents of each student involved will be required to indicate their consent for their student to be involved in the activities and to release the school district from any liability that arises from that participation by signing and returning the Parent Consent and Release Form to the school. These forms will be kept on file at each school.
    • 2.4 Participant Safety Orientation - Participants will be coached on safety before commencing training on the selected routes.
  3. Special events in high school, junior high school and elementary schools involving the use of public thoroughfares will be possible if planned for in advance using the above four-step procedure. In the junior high and elementary schools, the appropriate individual planning the event would be responsible for the selection of the route with administrative consultation and approval. Also, the Parent Notification and Consent Form would be specific to the special event being planned.
  4. Junior high school athletic teams, whose members jog over to the high school for athletic activities, will need to follow this same four-step procedure at the beginning of each activity season.

Physical Education, OffCampus, Athletics

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