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1135 - Board Policy Process

    Weber School District (hereinafter referred to as WSD and/or District) believes that its primary responsibility is the development of education policy.  Policies should define the desire and intent of the Weber School District Board (hereinafter referred to as Board), as it relates to their students, and should be in a form which is sufficiently explicit to guide administrative action.  It is the purpose of this Policy to establish the process by which District Policy shall be managed, reviewed, proposed, and adopted.

    To ensure that policies are updated to meet changing conditions and to be consistent with legal requirements the District’s legal counsel or legal counsel’s designee will be responsible for initiating policy review and revision. All policies will be subject to periodic review.

    1. “Consent Calendar” is a practice used in meetings, including school board meetings, to streamline the approval process for routine or non-controversial items. It's a way to group together various items that are typically considered routine or administrative in nature and that are expected to be approved without any extensive discussion or debate.
      1. In a school board meeting, the consent agenda often includes items such as:
        1. Meeting minutes from previous meetings.
        2. Routine financial reports or budgetary items.
        3. Personnel actions (such as hiring or resignations) for positions that don't require extensive discussion.
        4. Routine contracts, agreements, or purchases that are within the board's pre-approved limits.
        5. Other non-controversial matters that the board expects will meet unanimous or near-unanimous approval.
    2. “Policies” are principles adopted by a school board to chart a course of action. They outline the philosophy or purpose of a principle; definitions within each policy, when applicable; procedural systems to implement the policy; and other sections relevant to the subject matter of each policy.  Policies should be broad enough to indicate a line of action to be followed by the administration in meeting day-to-day issues that may arise, yet specific enough to give clear guidance.

    1. Development of a new policy or revisions to existing policy may be proposed by members of the Board, the superintendent, District employees, citizens, students, parents, civic groups, or legal counsel.
    2. Persons, other than Board members, the superintendent, or legal counsel, desiring to propose a policy may be required to submit a written proposal.
      1. Policy proposals will be reviewed by the superintendent’s staff.
        1. The superintendent:
          1. may instruct a staff member or legal counsel to draft the proposed language of the policy;
          2. may appoint a special committee to study the issue and develop a substantial framework for the policy; or
          3. may deny the policy proposal request.
      2. If the superintendent’s staff denies a policy proposal, the person or group responsible for submitting the proposal may submit a written appeal to the Policy Review Committee described in Section V of this policy.

    1. Membership
      1. The Board president shall designate two (2) Board members to serve on a Policy Review Committee (Committee).
      2. The District’s legal counsel shall serve on the Committee.
      3. District staff responsible for policy management, as assigned by the superintendent, shall also serve as members of the Committee.
      4. Policy Review Committee members may invite District staff as subject matter experts to the Policy Review Committee meeting on a case-by-case basis. Invitees are not members of the Committee.
    2. Duties and Responsibilities
      1. The Committee shall:
        1. review all proposed new policies and proposed revisions to existing policies;
        2. consider policy proposals that have been denied by the superintendent’s staff;
        3. recommend appropriate placement of the policy or revision on the Board meeting agenda;
        4. advise the Board on policy development and revision;and
        5. implement new policies and/or revise current policies as required by law.

    1. The Board shall give notice of proposed policy changes or adoption of new policies by placing the item on the agenda for a minimum of two Board meetings, which may include a workshop agenda. Public comment will be allowed at Board meetings prior to final Board action.
    2. The draft policy will also be placed on the District’s policy web page between the 1st and 2d reading, to provide the public an opportunity to give comments and suggestions. Information received on the proposed policy through emails or other written comments will be made available to the Board in a timely fashion.
    3. Amendments to the draft policy at any stage of the proceedings do not require repetition of the sequence unless the Committee so directs.
    4. The sequence for policy adoption outlined above need not be followed for minor revisions required to make the policy consistent with changes in the law, minor changes of circumstance, or to meet emergency conditions.  For such changes described herein, such policies can be adopted on the consent calendar.

    1. All District policies, including educators and classified negotiated agreements, are public records and will be made available on the District policy web page.
    2. Summaries of appropriate District policies affecting students, as determined by the principal and/or the superintendent, shall be distributed with school registration materials, posted in schools, and printed in student handbooks or planners provided by the school.

    1. It is the responsibility of the superintendency, school directors, department directors, principals, and other school administrative leaders to implement Board policy.
    2. All District employees have a responsibility to be familiar with Board policies and procedures applicable to their position, including the applicable negotiated agreement.
    3. Department directors, principals, and other school administrative leaders are responsible to regularly train their staff regarding the applicability and implementation of District policy.
    4. District office staff, legal counsel, or others may assist in providing training on policy issues to Board members and school employees as directed by the superintendent.


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