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6200 - Use of Students in Information Program

The participation of students in interpreting the educational program of the schools to the community shall be encouraged, with the understanding that: Students shall not be exploited for the benefit of any individual or group; Students shall participate only in appropriate situations; The use of students shall always be evaluated in terms of the effect on the child; Students shall not solicit or promote school district issues without approval of the Superintendent; The best possible community relations grow from a superior teaching job in the classroom. Enthusiastic students with serious...

6300 - Community Activities and Performances by Students

Although cognizant of the values, both social and scholastic, derived by students participating in various community sponsored activities, the following points should be used by principals in determining whether or not they may participate in such activities during school hours: The participation in the project will not deprive students of time needed in acquiring basic skills. The regular schedule will not be interrupted unless the majority of the students benefit through their participation. Neither an individual nor the school as a whole shall be permitted to use school time in working...

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